Cognitive Behavioral TherapyCBT TrainingOnline courses with the world’s best CBT experts

Become a Skilled CBT Practitioner

Our online training for mental health professionals will help you build core competencies in CBT. Discover ways to use CBT interventions across a range of mental health conditions to make positive differences for your clients.

Learn how to apply the latest third wave interventions

  • Mindfulness and Acceptance skills, Emotion Regulation strategies to move through difficult moments in therapy.

  • Use evidence-based interventions that work on the underlying processes that create distress and issues.

  • Discover how, when and why to apply a cognitive, behavioral or emotion focused approach with your clients.

Illustration of triangles labeled with emotions, cognitions and behaviors

Our Online Courses

Foundational CBT

For Mental Professionals, Health Professionals & Coaches
Immediate access
12hrs | 12 months access

Start your best practice CBT training journey. Learn “why we are the way we are” from a CBT perspective. Explore how we become stuck and why we suffer. Discover how to effectively apply traditional CBT strategies and modern third wave interventions in a caring way with your clients.

Self-directed course

CBT for Anxiety Disorders

For Mental Health Professionals, Health Professionals
Immediate access
12 hrs | Self-directed

Guided by world leading experts, learn how to treat a variety of anxiety disorders using best practice CBT strategies and interventions. Find out how to adapt your practice to compassionately treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety, Agoraphobia and other phobias.

Self-directed course

CBT for Depression

For Mental Health Professionals, Health Professionals
Immediate access
12 hrs | Self-directed

Learn how to effectively treat depression using best practice CBT strategies with your clients. Gain a deep understanding of how and why depression presents and discover how to compassionately apply traditional and ‘third wave’ interventions to help clients overcome this debilitating condition.

Self-directed course

CBT for Trauma

For Mental Health Professionals, Health Professionals
Immediate access
12hrs | 12 months access

Learn how to help clients exposed to traumatic experiences and PTSD with growing confidence. This highly practical course shows you how to use a cognitive and/or behavioral approach to compassionately move clients from being stuck in distress to healthy functioning.

Self-directed course

Unified Protocol: A Transdiagnostic Treatment

Starts 1 Apr
Very Early Registration | Save
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Very Early Registration | Save
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Unrivaled CBT Expertise and Training

Learn from master trainers, clinicians and world-leading experts

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