CBT and Childhood Anxiety
Professor Jennie Hudson unpacks CBT and anxiety treatment for children and adolescents.
I dont seem to be successful in implementing CBT - young people dismiss my efforts. I have a resource (ThingkGood Feel Good) that talks about implementing Motivational Interviewing to get agreement to participate. Do you see this as essential?
I am a school counselor and noticing a marked increase in the number of students experiencing clinical levels of anxiety. Finding good outside therapists is challenging for families. What do you think are the possibilities and limitations of "teaching" CBT skills broadly in school?
What are some protective lifestyle factors that can decrease the severity of anxiety disorders in children and young people?
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Combinations of physical activity, sedentary time, and sleep duation and their associations with depressive symptoms and other mental health problems in children and adolescents
Depressed adolescents grown up.
Are cognitive and behavioral models of specific anxiety disorders different in children? How?
For example, in adult OCD, the cognitive model emphasizes metacognitive threat interpretations of normal intrusive thoughts and disfunctional beliefs (thought-action fusion, intolerance of uncertainty, thought control, etc.) as key factors in OCD. However, given cognitive developmental differences in children, how does OCD operate in youth? Are metacognition and OCD beliefs still relevant for understanding childhood OCD or does it operate under different mechanisms?
Test of the Metacognitve Model
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