Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

What exactly is a growth mindset and why is it important? Q&A with social-developmental psychologist Kali Trzesniewski.

Which would be the best way to help someone, whose life's been hampered by perfectionism, understand the effects and get motivated to change their mindset ?

Carol Dweck talks about how to parent a perfectionism child here https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=FMxS3vh0Vuw. And Emily Diehl describes the relationship between growth mindset and perfectionism here https://blog.mindsetworks.com/entry/is-perfectionism-growth-minded. Finally, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=XgUF5WalyDk is a longer discussion by Carol Dweck on perfectionism.

What are some daily practices that develop the growth mindset?

There are many suggestions online for daily practices. However, research has not been done to test how well these practices work. One option is to try some out and take notes about how they make you feel over a few weeks. What works for one person may not work well for another. So, give a few a try to see what works best for you.

How do I help kids within a sporting context, approach their games without saying "...we're going to lose..again". They are yet to have a win in about 3 seasons ... it's tough on them.

That is tough, and it is difficult to find something to say that will make them enjoy losing. However, you can focus on what they enjoy about the experience. This could be different for different kids. For example, the sense of belonging that comes from being part of a team can bring a lot of joy. And, improving skills can be very fulfilling. For example, focusing on small goals for individuals and the team (e.g., kicking the ball further than in the past, getting the ball away from the other team more than in the past). If the only joy they get from being on the team is winning, then there is not much to say. But, if they have goals they can accomplish, whether they win or not, then they have something to work towards each week and something to celebrate from the games. Over time, working on these small goals and celebrating the growth can lead to improved performance.

Hello! Can someone with Dysthymia, who has had it for so long they believe its part of their character, develop a growth mindset? If so, how to foster motivation in someone who never gets excited?

Yes, this is possible. However, there isn’t an easy answer. Cognitive behavior therapy is an effective way to foster change.

What is having a growth mindset?

A person with a growth mindset understands that their abilities can be developed through hard work. They understand that when they are learning something new, it is normal to experience struggle and setbacks. The opposite is people with a fixed mindset. They believe that they are stuck with the abilities they are born with and those abilities cannot change. But, science has shown us this is not true. Carol Dweck explains more in her TED talk here https://www.ted.com/talks/carol_dweck_the_power_of_believing_that_you_can_improve.

Is there evidence that growth mindset journals help teens with self-esteem and motivation? Is there one that you would recommend?

There are many suggestions online. However, research has not been done to test how well these practices work. One option is to try some out and take notes about how they make you feel over a few weeks. What works for one person may not work well for another. So, give a few a try to see what works best for you.

How does growth mindset relate to grit?

Both grit and growth mindset help people persist through challenge and achieve more. A person who is high in grit focuses on long-term goals and persists through challenges to achieve those goals. Grit is the behavior a person does (work hard towards long-term goals), and growth mindset is the belief they have (abilities can be developed through hard work). Research shows that growth mindset and grit reinforce each other. That is, people who have more grit tend to increase in growth mindset over time, and people who have a growth mindset tend to increase in grit over time. So, grit and growth mindset work together to help people persist through challenge and be successful.

How do businesses develop a growth mindset?

Research is ongoing to understand this. Channing and Murphy describe their findings here https://www.spsp.org/news-center/blog/canning-murphy-organization-employees-growth-mindset about growth mindsets in business.

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