
At the completion of Dr Jay Lombard's medical degree, he went on to psychiatry training at Long Island Jewish Medicine Center before transferring to Neurology where he was chief resident in 1994 and became board certified in Neurology. He went on to become Chief of Neurology at Westchester Square Medical center and in 2007 became chief of Neurology at Bronx Lebanon Hospital.

Dr. Lombard is the original author of Autism as a mitochondrial disease and his study has been frequently referenced in this regard. He has been referred to as the "real Dr. House" based upon his reputation for solving medical mysteries and his work on mitochondrial dysfunction in neurology has been credited by Dr. Terry Wahls in her Ted talk.

Dr. Lombard is currently in clinical practice after co-founding Genomind which according to many key opinion leaders in psychiatry has changed the way psychiatrists prescribe psychotropic medications.

In April 2001, Dr Lombard received a humanitarian reward for his work in medicine in his own community. His practice is now exclusively dedicated to "patient failures", ie, rare undiagnosed disorders including post-viral systemic inflammatory disease with CNS presentations, neurodegenerative diseases and their connection to gut health and demyelinating diseases related to post-infection disease.

Of recent note was his discovery regarding near-infrared light treatment for Klein Levine syndrome( KLS) - an underdiagnosed autoimmune encephalopathy that affects adolescents often misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder and characterized by behavioral changes including unexplained mood changes, sleep disturbances and recurrent infections.

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)Nova Southeastern Medical School1988
1 Honor/Award
Interdisciplinary Association of Functional Neurosciences and Rehabilitation2001
Humanitarian Award
3 Books
Book cover of "The Mind of God: Neuroscience, Faith, and a Search for the Soul"
Book cover of "Freedom from Disease: The Breakthrough Approach to Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Depression by Controlling Insulin and Inflammation"
Book cover of "Balance Your Brain, Balance Your Life: 28 Days to Feeling Better Than You Ever Have"