
Dr Jonah Paquette is a licensed clinical psychologist, an acclaimed author, speaker and educator. His principal areas of research and expertise are happiness, wellbeing and contentment. Dr Paquette is also particularly interested in the concept of awe, and how experiences of awe might offer psychological and physical health benefits.

Dr Paquette's latest book is Awestruck: How Embracing Wonder Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and More. He is also the author of the popular self-help books Real Happiness: Proven Paths for Contentment, Peace & Well-Being and The Happiness Toolbox.

Dr Paquette is passionate about communicating psychology and science to a broad audience. He therefore regularly holds workshops and gives talks in settings such as schools, businesses and professional organizations.

Dr Paquette frequently appears in the media across print, television, radio and podcasts, and oversees the Awestruck website.

Doctor of Clinical Psychology (PsyD)PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium2010
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Psychology and HistoryColumbia University2004
3 Books
Book cover of "Awestruck: How Embracing Wonder Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and More"
Book cover of "Real Happiness: Proven Paths for Contentment, Peace & Well-Being"
Book cover of "The Happiness Toolbox: 56 Practices to Find Happiness, Purpose & Productivity in Love, Work and Life"