
Professor Mark Leary is Garonzik Family Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University and faculty director of the Duke Interdisciplinary Initiative in Social Psychology. He has published 14 books and over 250 scientific papers on social motivation, self-presentation, and identity, with a particular interest in how people’s emotions, behaviors, and self-views are influenced by their concerns with other people’s evaluations of them. Professor Leary has ranked among the top 40 social and personality psychologists in the world with the greatest impact.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Social PsychologyUniversity of Florida1980
Master of Arts (MA), Social PsychologyUniversity of Florida1978
4 Honors and Awards
Society of Experimental Social Psychology2021
Distinguished Scientist Award
Association for Psychological Science2013
14 Books
Book cover of "Selfhood: Identity, Esteem, Regulation"
Book cover of "Why You Are Who You Are"
Book cover of "The Oxford Handbook of Hypo-egoic Phenomena"
Book cover of "Introduction to Behavior Research Methods, 7th Edition"
Book cover of "Handbook of Self and Identity, 2nd Edition"
Book cover of "Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior"
Book cover of "Interpersonal Rejection"
Book cover of "The Curse of the Self"
Book cover of "The Interface of Social and Clinical Psychology"
Book cover of "The Social Psychology of Emotional and Behavioral Problems"
Book cover of "Social Anxiety"
Book cover of "Self-Presentation"
Book cover of "Social Psychology and Dysfunctional Behavior"
Book cover of "Understanding Social Anxiety"