
Professor Helen Dent is a Professor Emeritus of Clinical and Forensic Psychology at Staffordshire University and a highly accomplished clinical and forensic psychologist. She is an expert on attachment theory, particularly related to people who have suffered adverse experiences in childhood. She is also a leading authority on children as witnesses in court.

Professor Dent is the author of the widely praised book, Why Don't I Feel Good Enough? Using Attachment Theory to Find a Solution. She has worked extensively with the National Health Service (NHS) and is often invited to be an expert witness in legal proceedings.

Professor Dent's research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, Journal of Mental Health Education, Training and Practice, and Journal of Nursing Management. She has worked with the Department of Health, the British Psychological Society and other significant bodies.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Clinical PsychologyInstitute of Psychiatry, University of London1982
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), PsychologyUniversity of Nottingham1978
2 Honors and Awards
British Psychological Society Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology 2016
British Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology Executive2013
2 Books
Book cover of "Why Don't I Feel Good Enough? Using Attachment Theory to Find a Solution"
Book cover of "Clinical Psychology: Research and Developments"