Dr Dolores Albarracin is an expert in social attitudes, communication, persuasion and behavior. She is a Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she holds joint appointments. These include the Director of the Social Action Lab and Director of the Science of Science Communication Division at the Annenberg Public Policy Center. She is also a Professor of Psychology, Business and Medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Dr Albarracin’s research is focused on how communication and persuasion can impact human behavior. She also examines how beliefs, attitudes and goals are formed and has a key interest in finding ways to promote public health. An accomplished scholar and researcher, she has written over 230 articles and authored numerous books, including her latest title, Creating Conspiracy Beliefs: How Our Thoughts Are Shaped.
A highly respected social psychologist, Dr Albarracin was Editor-in-Chief of the Psychological Bulletin from 2014 to 2020 and remains on the Editorial Board. She is currently Associate Editor of Behavioral Science and Policy and was elected President of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology for 2023.