
Dr Thomas Ollendick is a distinguished professor in child psychology and director of the Child Study Center at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He is one of the founders of the newly formed World Confederation of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies to advance best practice CBT globally. Dr Ollendick's research centers on clinical psychology for children and adolescents, encompassing developmental psychopathology and social learning theory. Widely published, he has produced hundreds of research papers and dozens of academic texts.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Clinical PsychologyPurdue University1971
Master of Science (MS)Purdue University1969
10 Honors and Awards
American Psychological Association Division 12 (Clinical)2020
Distinguished Scientist Award
Academy of Cognitive Therapy2019
Aaron T. Beck Lifetime Career Award
27 Books
Book cover of "Exposure Therapy for Child and Adolescent Anxiety and OCD"
Book cover of "Innovations in CBT for Childhood Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD"
Book cover of "The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology"
Book cover of "Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias"
Book cover of "Handbook of Autism and Anxiety "
Book cover of "Emotion Regulation and Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents"
Book cover of "Clinical Behavior Therapy with Children"
Book cover of "Handbook of Child Psychopathology"
Book cover of "Child Behavioral Assessment: Principles and Procedures"
Book cover of "Children's Phobias: A Behavioral Perspective"
Book cover of "Handbook of Psychotherapies with Children and Families"
Book cover of "Handbook of Child and Adolescent Assessment"
Book cover of "Advances in Clinical Child Psychology"
Book cover of "Advances in Clinical Child Psychology: Volume 18"
Book cover of "Advances in Clinical Child Psychology: Volume 19"
Book cover of "Advances in Clinical Child Psychology: Volume 20"
Book cover of "International Handbook of Phobic and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents"
Book cover of "School Refusal: Assessment and Treatment"
Book cover of "Children and Adolescents: Clinical Formulation and Treatment: Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, Volume 5"
Book cover of "Developmental Issues in the Clinical Treatment of Children"
Book cover of "Panic Disorder and Anxiety in Adolescence"
Book cover of "International Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Mental Health"
Book cover of "Encyclopedia of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology"
Book cover of "Phobic and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Clinician's Guide to Effective Psychosocial and Pharmacological Interventions"
Book cover of "The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of The Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety "
Book cover of "Diagnostic and Behavioral Assessment in Children and Adolescents: A Clinical Guide"
Book cover of "Moderators and Mediators of Youth Treatment Outcomes"
Courses featuring Thomas Ollendick