
Jennifer Kemp is a clinical psychologist at Adelaide Behaviour Therapy, Australia. She uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), clinical behaviour analysis, exposure therapy, and compassion-focused approaches to help her clients achieve fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Kemp has a particular interest in working with clients who are struggling with perfectionism and the mental health problems perfectionism facilitates and maintains, as well as those struggling with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and OCD.

Kemp is the author of The ACT Workbook for Perfectionism: Build Your Best (Imperfect) Life Using Powerful Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and Self-Compassion Skills, an innovative book designed to help people overcome the dark side of perfectionism without compromising on their standards of excellence and the benefits this can bring.

Kemp presents internationally on the topic of perfectionism and offers consultations to therapists wanting to deepen their ACT practice.

Master of Clinical Psychology (MPsych Clinical)University of South Australia2012
Graduate Diploma Applied Science (Psychology of Coaching)The University of Sydney2004
1 Book
Book cover of "The ACT Workbook for Perfectionism: Build Your Best (Imperfect) Life Using Powerful Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and Self-Compassion Skills"