
Dr Deborah Lee is a consultant clinical psychologist whose expertise lies with the nature and treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). She is particularly interested in the use of Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) to treat complex PTSD.

Dr Lee has several decades of practical and research experience in this field, and has delivered workshops and teaching in PTSD across the world. She is Head of the Berkshire Traumatic Stress Service and South Central Complex Treatment Services for Veterans. She is also an Honorary Associate Professor at University College London (UCL).

Dr Lee is the author of the acclaimed book, The Compassionate Mind Approach to Recovering from Trauma: Using Compassion Focused Therapy and she is a founding board member of the Compassionate Mind Foundation.

Compassion in a therapeutic context has been at the heart of Dr Lee’s research for some time, including compassion towards one’s self. She has worked with survivors of rape, interpersonal violence, and childhood abuse. Dr Lee is currently working as an expert with a COVID trauma response working group at UCL.

1 Book
Book cover of "The Compassionate Mind Approach to Recovering from Trauma: Using Compassion Focused Therapy"