
Dr Adrian Raine is one of the world’s leading voices in the emerging field of neurocriminology and the Richard Perry professor of criminology at the University of Pennsylvania. A groundbreaking researcher, Dr Raine was the first scientist to use neuroimaging to study the brains of murderers. His academic career has spanned more than 40 years, during which time he has worked as a prison psychologist in high-security prisons. Dr Raine recently made three documentaries with Channel 4 on the biological, psychological and social factors that shape murderers.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), PsychologyUniversity of York1982
Bachelor of Arts (MA), Experimental PsychologyUniversity of Oxford1977
7 Honors and Awards
Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy2017
Lifetime Achievement Award
University of York2015
D. Univ. (Honorary Degree)
4 Books
Book cover of "The Anatomy of Violence"
Book cover of "The Psychopathology of Crime"
Book cover of "Violence & Psychopathy"
Book cover of "Schizotypal Personality"