Brief Therapy Demonstrations


Socratic Questioning

See how Socratic questioning helps a client examine and challenge beliefs about their perceived responsibility for a traumatic event.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
a still from the video
Therapy demonstration

Introduction to Exposure

David Tolin skilfully introduces the concept of exposure therapy with his client.
Therapy demonstration

Psychoeducation for Depression

Josephine Ridley artfully demonstrates psychoeducation about depression.
Psychoeducation for Depression
Therapy demonstration

Acceptance of Thoughts and Emotions

Robert Leahy uses a metaphor to guide his client to accept her feelings related to jealousy.
Acceptance of Thoughts and Emotions
Therapy demonstration

Validating Emotions

Robert Leahy masterfully demonstrates the process of validating his client's emotions.
Validating Emotions
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
a still from the video
Therapy demonstration

Opposite Action

Watch the practical application of the DBT skill 'opposite action' in an individual client session.
a still from the video
Therapy demonstration

Addressing Therapy-Interfering Behaviors

Learn how to validate distress while addressing behaviors that disrupt therapy progress.
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Therapy demonstration

Life-Worth-Living Goals

Learn how to help clients set authentic, values-driven goals that inspire hope and a path to a better future.
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Therapy demonstration


Watch Alec Miller teach the skill of validation in a group setting.
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
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Therapy demonstration

Choice Point and Values in ACT

Russ Harris shows how to use The Choice Point and highlight values in a family context.
a still from the video
Therapy demonstration

The Magic Wand Question

One simple question can elicit powerful insights and newfound behavioural goals from clients.
Emotionally Focused Therapy
a still from the video
Expert insight

EFT and Attachment Science

Sue Johnson explains the links between EFT and attachment science.
Therapy demonstration

The Impacts of Attachment Panic

Observe the powerful impact of emotional disconnection in this couples session with Sue Johnson.
The Impacts of Attachment Panic
Therapy demonstration

Therapy Goal Setting

Watch the therapist use an adapted miracle question to help a client with depression set meaningful goals.
Therapy Goal Setting
Therapy demonstration

Introduction to Exposure

David Tolin skilfully introduces the concept of exposure therapy with his client.
Introduction to Exposure
Motivational Interviewing
Therapy demonstration

MI in Addiction

Watch MI move the client away from ambivalence and towards change - with Kamilla Venner.
MI in Addiction
Therapy demonstration

Engaging With a Distressed Client

David Rosengren demonstrates the power of genuine listening in building a trusting relationship.
Engaging With a Distressed Client
Therapy demonstration

Engaging Skills in Action - OARS

See William Miller demonstrate the basic engaging skills to build a trusting relationship.
Engaging Skills in Action - OARS

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