ASK how personality traits can affect your mental health

ASK how personality traits can affect your mental health

How might personality traits when we are young offer insight into possible mental health issues as we reach adulthood? ASK well-known personality expert, Professor Robert Krueger.

How do you identify someone's personality traits?

The typical approach would involve personality questionnaires or interviews. Basically, psychological instruments are used to gauge a person’s typical thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

In what way are personality traits linked to mental health?

Personality traits do confer risk and protection regarding mental health. For example, people who score high on measures of emotional stability are at reduced risk for developing diagnosable episodes of mental illness.

What interventions might be employed to address personality traits linked to substance abuse in adulthood?

Personality can change in some cases, but in many cases, it may be helpful to think about healthier ways of expressing more risky personality tendencies. For example, a person who craves excitement might meet those needs through less dangerous activities (for example, exciting sports) than involvement with illicit substances.

Which personality type is most likely associated with pathological or maladaptive anger?

Anger can have many causes, but people who describe themselves as angry all the time with little provocation may find it helpful to seek professional services aimed at understanding the sources of persistent angry feelings.

Given that personality traits are believed to be enduring patterns of behavior and emotion, how are they useful for the treatment of mental health problems? For example, if someone is highly neurotic, what can they do about it?

Personality traits can and do change for specific people. In many cases, it may also be helpful to think about ways of managing specific traits. For example, if someone is highly neurotic, they are sensitive to possible signs of threat in the environment. This sort of person can learn to better gauge the reality of those threat signals, focusing on how to manage the negative emotions that accompany neuroticism through building skills aimed at determining how concerning various threats might be in actuality.

How important is genetic make-up/history when assessing personality traits?

Personality trait assessment is agnostic about the aetiology (underlying cause) of personality variation. Genetic factors are relevant to our personality tendencies, but they are not deterministic, and the environment plays a major role in shaping personality throughout the life course.

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